2021년 9월 15일 수요일

China’s economy: what’s its weak spot? | The Economist(김해성/천주)

Evergrande Is a Too Big to Fail Question for Beijing: Milken’s Lee(문공/방송공사)

The future of shopping: what's in store? | The Economist(문공/나주 주지사)

《美食中国》面条原来还有这么多花样!哒哒面 肥肠面 蒿子面...让你不出门也能尝到各地面条美食!——面条特辑 20210507 | 美食中国 T...(문공/나주 주지사)

Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Make Fish & Chips: Extended Version | ...(문공/나주 주지사)

How Airlines Make Meals For Thousands Of People(문공/나주 주지사)

China to Dominate World's Chip Manufacturing?(문공/나주 주지사)